Displaying 181 - 190 of 922 results
Evaluation report: Major trauma rehabilitation collaborative | He pūrongo arotake: Whakaoranga tahi i te pāmamae nuiThis evaluation of the trauma rehabilitation collaborative, run from March 2021 to June 2022, is to determine how the collaborative has met the project aims and its performance in meeting the Te Tāhū Hauora strategic priorities.
Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience (LAECFWE) | Te ako mai i ngā pamamaetanga me to wheako tangata whaiora me to whānauA priority area within the seven-year mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme coordinated by Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission (Te Tāhū Hauora), the LAECFWE project began in September 2019 and ended in 2023.
A window on quality 2022 (Part 2) | Whakarāpopototanga matua: He tirohanga kounga 2022 (Wāhanga 2)In this report, we use perspectives from respondents in the health and disability sector and hard data to continue important lines of enquiry we began in A window on quality 2021: COVID-19 and its impacts on our broader health system (Part 1).
The case for investment in: A quality improvement programme to reduce pressure injuries in New ZealandThis report from KPMG presents the findings of a qualitative study into reducing pressure injuries in New Zealand.
Pono consumer story: Jenny FenwickJenny Fenwick shares her experience of seclusion in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Pono consumer stories project.
The co-design processCo-design is how we partner to design a higher quality and safer health system. Watch this 1-minute animation to learn more.
What is the code of expectations and are we achieving what’s required?Discover why partnering with consumers is essential for effective collaboration, as explained by Mary Schnackenberg, a disability advocate and consumer, in this insightful interview.
Practical accessibility tips for producing consumer resourcesLearn cost-effective accessibility tips for creating consumer resources and communications by watching this video.
Enhancing accessibility: how to beginMary Schnackenberg, consumer and disability advocate, highlights the key factors to consider while embarking on the accessibility journey, emphasising the importance of including diverse people at the table.