Displaying 1 - 10 of 24 results
Rehabilitation collaborative review: 1 year on | He arotakenga haumanu ngātahi: 1 tau neiA review of the rehabilitation collaborative, 1 year on.
Serious traumatic brain injury in Aotearoa New Zealand: Summary of improvement workThis document is a summary of the improvement work of the national traumatic brain injury project.
Improving trauma care for critically bleeding patients: A history, evidence summary and proposed quality improvement approachThis document presents the history of managing critical haemorrhage in New Zealand, an evidence summary that justifies the proposed next steps and a description of the intended critical haemorrhage project approach.
Trauma rehabilitation collaborative: Summary of case studies | Te ohu whakaora tūkino: He kupu whakarāpopotoThis document summarises the nine completed collaborative projects from the trauma rehabilitation collaborative | te ohu whakaora tūkino.
Te Whatu Ora - Nelson Marlborough case study: Trauma at the top of the SouthThe transition from hospital to home can be challenging for patients who have experienced major trauma. The team at Te Whatu Ora – Nelson Marlborough identified that discharge information is often complex and confusing for patients.
Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland case study: Improving the discharge pathway for people hospitalised with traumatic brain injuryA case study from Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland, who improved the discharge pathway for people hospitalised with traumatic brain injury.
Te Whatu Ora Southern case study: Te Ara Mārama – Improving transition of care to the community for Māori trauma patientsThis project, Te Ara Mārama, aimed to encourage collaboration between community health providers and inpatient rehabilitation services to support Māori trauma patients in their transition from inpatient to community care.
Evaluation report: Major trauma rehabilitation collaborative | He pūrongo arotake: Whakaoranga tahi i te pāmamae nuiThis evaluation of the trauma rehabilitation collaborative, run from March 2021 to June 2022, is to determine how the collaborative has met the project aims and its performance in meeting the Te Tāhū Hauora strategic priorities.
Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley case study: Improving inpatient rehabilitation services for patients following major traumaThis project aimed to understand allied health input into the care of major trauma patients and investigate opportunities to improve trauma rehabilitation and enhance patient experiences at Wellington Regional Hospital.