Displaying 1 - 10 of 92 results
New Zealand home and community support services experience survey questionnaireThis document is a copy of the home and community support services experience survey questionnaire.
Finding your survey resultsThis brochure explains how to find your survey results for the Adult primary care patient experience survey
Home and community support services experience survey: Privacy impact assessment reportThis report addresses the impact that the survey may have on individual privacy, and outlines steps taken to assess and minimise potential areas of risk along with compliance with the information privacy principles.
Information flyers for home and community support services experience surveyThese information flyers can be given to people receiving home and community support services to promote and raise awareness about the survey. They are available in a range of languages.
Patient experience survey timetablesTimetables outlining the survey periods for the patient experience surveys.
Communications toolkit for the home and community support services experience surveyThis toolkit is a guide on promoting the 2024 home and community support services experience survey to raise awareness and encourage people to take part.
Patient experience surveys: flyer/poster for patientsThese documents can be used as a flyer or poster for patients to promote the patient experience survey in hospitals, PHOs and general practices. They are available in a range of languages.
Information to help answer patient questions about the patient experience surveysThe information in these documents will help you answer questions from patients about the patient experience surveys.
New Zealand adult primary care patient experience survey questionnaireThis document is a copy of the adult primary care patient experience survey questionnaire.