Displaying 1 - 10 of 53 results
Overview of mental health and addiction adverse event review methods, types and approachesThe following overview aims to help clinicians better understand the various adverse event review methodologies available. This is not an exhaustive list and other methodologies may exist.
Mental health and addiction severity assessment code (SAC) examples 2024Mental health and addiction Severity Assessment Code (SAC) examples for adverse event reporting.
Principles for engaging consumers and whānau in mental health and addiction adverse event reviewsThis information is provided for mental health and addiction (MHA) services. It is intended to guide adverse event review facilitators on the principles of engaging with consumers and their whānau affected by an adverse event and to complement...
Zero seclusion: Safety and dignity for all – change package | Aukatia te noho punanga: Noho haumanu, tū rangatira mō te tokomaha – mōkī arohaThis Zero seclusion change package | mōkī aroha uses a set of globally recognised, evidence-based interventions aimed at improving the care of tāngata whaiora while moving towards achieving zero seclusion in mental health inpatient units.
Mental health and addiction quality improvement programme evaluation 2023An evaluation of the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme, undertaken by social research company Litmus in late 2023.
Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience (LAECFWE) | Te ako mai i ngā pamamaetanga me to wheako tangata whaiora me to whānauA priority area within the seven-year mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme coordinated by Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission (Te Tāhū Hauora), the LAECFWE project began in September 2019 and ended in 2023.
National and technical reports 2022 | Ngā Poutama Oranga Hinengaro: Quality in Context survey of mental health and addiction servicesNational and technical reports 2022 | Ngā Poutama Oranga Hinengaro: Quality in Context survey of mental health and addiction services.
Regional reports 2022 | Ngā Poutama Oranga Hinengaro: Quality in Context survey of mental health and addiction servicesThe regional reports for each district health board and non-governmental organisation (summarised by region) from Ngā Poutama Oranga Hinengaro: Quality in Context survey of mental health and addiction services.
Presentation: What's happening locallyPresentation by Jacqueline Ryan of our mental health and addiction quality improvement programme from September 2021.
Presentations from workshops on project focused on monitoring consumers on particular antipsychotic medication treatment to reduce risk of poor cardiovascular healthSlides are available below from the supra-regional co-design workshops on the project focusing on monitoring consumers on particular antipsychotic medication treatment to reduce risk of poor cardiovascular health.