Displaying 51 - 60 of 81 results
Patient Safety Week 2018 screensaversScreensaver versions of the Patient Safety Week posters.
World Hand Hygiene Day 2023The following resources are available for World Hand Hygiene Day 2023 to promote good hand hygiene behaviour.
Tip sheet: preparing elevator pitchesAn elevator pitch is a short narrative about your project that can be used in a couple of different ways: to engage people to contribute to the improvement project and as a tool for socialising and promoting work through face-to-face interactions...
Reporting and reviewing adverse events involving consumers of mental health and addiction servicesThis purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the MHA sector and clarify its obligations under the national policy. Note: This is an interim document pending the update of the National Adverse Events Reporting Policy in 2022.
Hand hygiene patient storiesHand Hygiene New Zealand promotional resource: Patient stories.
Summary: Bula Sautu – A window on quality 2021: Pacific health in the year of COVID-19 | Whakarāpopotanga: Bula Sautu – He mata kounga 2021: Hauora Pasifika i te tau COVID-19A summary of the latest report in our Window on Quality series which focuses on health for pacific peoples, from maternity to end of life using a life-course approach.
Ngā whānau Māori wheako ki te tauwhiro pāmamae me te whakaoranga | Whānau Māori experiences of major trauma care and rehabilitationDownload the full report, executive summary, two resources for clinicians (‘Whakawhanaungatanga with whānau Māori who experience trauma events’ (PDF) and ‘Supporting whānau Māori who experience trauma events’ (MS Word)) or read a brief summary.
Summary of inaugural consumer health forum Aotearoa and participant feedbackThe Commission hosted the inaugural consumer health forum Aotearoa over two sessions on 24 November 2021. A total of 108 people took part.
User guide to the Atlas in Healthcare VariationThe Atlas is a powerful tool which allows us to look at heath care variation in New Zealand. The Atlas is quite simple to use but we recommend you read the following guidance on creating reports first to ensure you get the best out of it.