Displaying 21 - 30 of 844 results
New Zealand adult hospital inpatient experience survey questionnaireThis document is a copy of the online adult hospital inpatient experience survey questionnaire.
Principles for engaging consumers and whānau in mental health and addiction adverse event reviewsThis information is provided for mental health and addiction (MHA) services. It is intended to guide adverse event review facilitators on the principles of engaging with consumers and their whānau affected by an adverse event and to complement...
New Zealand home and community support services experience survey questionnaireThis document is a copy of the home and community support services experience survey questionnaire.
Falls review template 2024This optional template is available to assist with reviews of falls.
Pressure injury review template 2024This optional template is available to assist with reviews of pressure injuries.
Summary of Perioperative Mortality Review Committee (POMRC) reportsMortality data reports for the Perioperative Mortality Review Committee.
Surgery and risk in Aotearoa New Zealand | Te pōkanga me te tūponotanga i AotearoaThis infographic summarises information about surgery in New Zealand in 2023, including the risks associated with having surgery. It covers elective surgery (surgery planned in advance) and emergency surgery (surgery for an urgent medical condition).
Finding your survey resultsThis brochure explains how to find your survey results for the Adult primary care patient experience survey