Displaying 221 - 230 of 255 results
Consumer engagement (more about Partners in Care)Dr Janice Wilson talks with Dr Chris Walsh about the Commission's role in consumer engagement and the partners in care framework.
Health literacy medication safety project evaluation report, training tools and resources (August 2013)Evaluation report and resources from Malatest International and resources from Workbase Education Trust for the Commission's health literacy medication safety demonstration project.
Video: Ron Paterson shares personal experience of great hospital careRon Paterson is a former Health and Disability Commissioner. Ron and his family had an experience of great care when Ron's father, Ian, was taken to Middlemore Hospital after a major heart attack.
Video: Communicating with Māori in a health settingLana Bartlett describes her family's experiences communicating with health care staff during her father's stay in hospital.
Third Report to the Minister of Health: Reporting mortality 2002-2004CYMRC's third report to the Minister of Health
Circumstances surrounding drowning in those under 25 in New Zealand (1980-2002)A report describing the epidemiology of drowning in 0-24 year olds in New Zealand to identify where appropriate interventions might decrease child and youth mortality.
The Sixth Report on the Activities of the Child & Youth Mortality Committee - 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2011The Committee's report to the Commission.
Co-design programme evaluation and case studies 2015–16The 2015–16 co-design programme was delivered in two DHBs over an eight-month period from October 2015 to May 2016. The evaluation report, interviews and case studies from the programme are now available.
Partners in Care co-design programme: Participant feedback reportThe report below contains a summary of feedback from participants in the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s 2020/21 co-design in primary care programme.
Maternal morbidity review toolkit: Action list template (Microsoft Excel version)The action list template is part of the maternal morbidity review toolkit for maternity services.