Displaying 1 - 10 of 81 results
Family violence death information sheet seriesThese information sheets provide easy access in multiple languages to information about the nature and circumstances of family violence deaths in Aotearoa.
Surgery and risk in Aotearoa New Zealand | Te pōkanga me te tūponotanga i AotearoaThis infographic summarises information about surgery in New Zealand in 2023, including the risks associated with having surgery. It covers elective surgery (surgery planned in advance) and emergency surgery (surgery for an urgent medical condition).
Equity scorecardThis equity scorecard was developed as a tool to support you in your learning and help identify areas that might need more work or reflection to enable you to deliver on equity and comply with the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Serious traumatic brain injury in Aotearoa New Zealand: Summary of improvement workThis document is a summary of the improvement work of the national traumatic brain injury project.
Paediatric vital sign chart (PVSC) quick reference guideThis guide gives quick ‘how to’ answers to commonly asked questions about completing the paediatric vital sign charts.
Section 2.1: Guidance and support for co-designing with consumers, whānau and communitiesOn 25 August 2022, the code of expectations for health entities’ engagement with consumers and whānau was officially launched at Parliament. In this first of a six-part series, we look at one aspect of the code in more detail and offer some tips on
Code of expectations for health entities' engagement with consumers and whānau [web version]The code of expectations for health entities’ engagement with consumers and whānau sets the expectations for how health entities must work with consumers, whānau and communities in the planning, design, delivery and evaluation of health services.
Kia Toipoto: Closing gender, Māori, Pacific and ethnic pay gaps | Pinea ngā āputa utu ā-ira, ā-Māori, ā-Pasifika – Action plan | Mahere mahiThis action plan is taken from the full document published December 2023 by Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission.
Kia Toipoto: Closing gender, Māori, Pacific and ethnic pay gaps | Kia Toipoto: Pinea ngā āputa utu ā-ira, ā-Māori, ā-PasifikaTe Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission is committed to reducing gender, Māori, Pacific and ethnic pay gaps. This document summarises our plan to close those pay gaps.
Pacific models for engagementThe resources represent ‘bread and butter’ models that can enhance your understanding and practice. They are intended to be used with a wayfarer to guide you through their application.