Displaying 211 - 220 of 687 results
Te Mauri The Life Force I Rangatahi suicide report I Te pūrongo mō te mate whakamomori o te rangatahiThis report asks why rangatahi, compared with non-Māori young people, have higher rates of death by suicide and what Aotearoa New Zealand is doing, and what else we could do, to prevent rangatahi from taking their lives by suicide.
How to sleep safely during pregnancyBrochures, posters and videos from the campaign Sleep on side when baby's inside.
Te Pūrongo ā-Tau Tekau mā Toru o te Komiti Arotake Mate Pēpi, Mate Whaea Hoki | Thirteenth Annual Report of the Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review CommitteeThe Thirteenth Annual Report of the Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee | Te Pūrongo ā-Tau Tekau mā Toru o te Komiti Arotake Mate Pēpi, Mate Whaea Hoki.
Third annual report of the Maternal Morbidity Working GroupThe third annual report from the Maternal Morbidity Working Group covering the period of 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018.
Presentations and videos from the co-design workshop on learning from adverse eventsPresentations from the first co-design workshop for Te ako mai i ngā pāmamaetanga me te wheako tāngata whaiora me te whānau | Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience project.
Policy and practice in the use of root cause analysis to investigate clinical adverse events: mind the gapThis paper (Social Science and Medicine 73 (2011) 217-225) examines the challenges of investigating clinical incidents through the use of Root Cause Analysis.
5 questions to ask about your medications – consumer safety posterConsumer poster available in English and te reo Māori to help patients, caregivers, families and whānau talk about medication with their health care providers.
Arthur Te Anini's storyThe Kia kōrero | Let’s talk advance care planning campaign encourages people to plan for their future health care, with a focus on what matters to them. It features the personal stories of six New Zealanders at different stages of life and wellness.
Learning from adverse events report 2018/19This is the annual learning from adverse events report for 2018/19, published by the Health Quality & Safety Commission. The report covers adverse events reported by New Zealand's 20 district health boards (DHBs) and other providers.
Infographics: Talking to adult patients with a serious illness and at risk of deteriorationInfographics about talking to adult patients with a serious illness and at risk of deterioration.