Displaying 51 - 55 of 55 results
Applying for specify brand advice statusUse this application form to apply for a new or changed specify brand advice listing.
ALERT 4: Error-prone abbreviations, symbols and dose designations NOT TO USETo eliminate the risk associated with the use of error-prone abbreviations, symbols and dose designations when communicating any type of medicine-related information verbally, handwritten, pre-printed or electronically.
Brochure: Guide for trauma patients and whānauThis link will take you to information from the National Trauma Network, for trauma patients and their family and whānau.
Safe surgery programmeThe safe surgery programme aims to improve teamwork and communication in the operating room by leveraging the WHO surgical safety checklist as a teamwork and communication tool.
Variations in health careThis article from The King's Fund explores the possible causes of variation, shows the different ways in which variations can be measured, and analyses variations by PCT in rates of elective hospital admissions for selected procedures.