Displaying 1 - 10 of 844 results
Maternal morbidity review toolkit: Example of a trigger listThe example of a trigger list is part of the maternal morbidity review toolkit for maternity services.
Guide to the surveillance of healthcare-associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (HA-SAB)This guide is for DHBs to enable consistent reporting on HA-SAB, contributing to accurate national data and reliable information for quality improvement activities.
Overview of mental health and addiction adverse event review methods, types and approachesThe following overview aims to help clinicians better understand the various adverse event review methodologies available. This is not an exhaustive list and other methodologies may exist.
Hand Hygiene information for childrenInformation from organisations including the Ministry of Health, on hand hygiene practices for staff and children in schools.
Pono consumer story: Jenny FenwickJenny Fenwick shares her experience of seclusion in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Pono consumer stories project.
Family violence death information sheet seriesThese information sheets provide easy access in multiple languages to information about the nature and circumstances of family violence deaths in Aotearoa.
New Zealand home and community support services experience survey data dictionaryThis data dictionary is for the home and community support experience survey.