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Displaying 21 - 30 of 43 results
New Zealand adult hospital inpatient experience survey questionnaire
This document is a copy of the online adult hospital inpatient experience survey questionnaire.
New Zealand adult hospital outpatient experience survey questionnaire
This document is a copy of the online adult hospital outpatient experience survey questionnaire.
From PES to PDSA – Workbook: Using adult hospital inpatient experience survey data for quality improvement
This workbook is designed to help you use data from the Aotearoa New Zealand adult hospital inpatient experience survey to conduct quality improvement initiatives and track the progress of these initiatives.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: PHO guide to getting started
A guide for primary health organisations (PHOs) about getting started with the adult primary care patient experience survey.
Raising the bar on the national patient experience survey: phase one
Raising the Bar on the National Patient Experience Survey responds to the adult national inpatient experience survey results by investigating the lower scoring areas of the survey and recommending interventions to improve these results.
Home and community support services experience survey: Privacy impact assessment report
This report addresses the impact that the survey may have on individual privacy, and outlines steps taken to assess and minimise potential areas of risk along with compliance with the information privacy principles.
New Zealand adult primary care patient experience survey questionnaire
This document is a copy of the adult primary care patient experience survey questionnaire.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: General practice guide to getting started
A guide for general practices about getting started with the adult primary care patient experience survey.
Patient experience survey timetables
Timetables outlining the survey periods for the patient experience surveys.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: methodology and procedures
The methodology and procedures for the adult primary care patient experience survey (August 2020 update).