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From PES to PDSA – Workbook: Using adult hospital inpatient experience survey data for quality improvement
This workbook is designed to help you use data from the Aotearoa New Zealand adult hospital inpatient experience survey to conduct quality improvement initiatives and track the progress of these initiatives.
The Health Quality & Safety Commission launches Experience Explorer
The Commission has launched the Experience Explorer an improved tool for public reporting of results from the national patient experience programme.
Blog: Patient experience feedback vital to the quality of general practice care – College
Dr Kate Wang is General Manager, Quality at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
From PES to PDSA – Workbook: Using adult primary care patient experience survey data for quality improvement
From PES to PDSA – Workbook: Using adult primary care patient experience survey data for quality improvement.
New Zealand patient experience survey programme refresh 2019/20
This document describes the process the Health Quality & Safety Commission (the Commission) and its contracted provider, Ipsos, undertook in 2019/20 to review and refresh the New Zealand patient experience survey programme.
- National patient experience survey: Results for patients treated in February 2019
Open Book: Dispensing errors: Learning from the national primary care patient experience survey (Jan 2019)
This report alerts providers to key medication-related findings from the national primary care patient experience survey, and includes some recommendations for improvement.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: methodology and procedures
The methodology and procedures for the adult primary care patient experience survey (August 2020 update).
The health care experience of disabled people during COVID-19: Summary of findings from the COVID-19 patient experience survey
The Health Quality & Safety Commission runs two national surveys every three months to gather information about how people experience health care in Aotearoa New Zealand hospitals and in primary care (going to the doctor or pharmacy).
Patient experience surveys: Privacy impact assessment report
This report addresses the impact that the survey and reporting may have on individual privacy, and outlines steps to assess and minimise potential areas of risk along with compliance with the information privacy principles.