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Displaying 51 - 60 of 63 results
Busting myths about patient, family and whānau escalation
There are many myths surrounding patient, family and whānau escalation of care. This factsheet outlines the common myths and explains where you can find further information about them.
The deteriorating adult patient: evidence summary
This is an evidence summary of three potential interventions relating to the deteriorating adult patient.
Bay of Plenty hospitals start testing improvements to paediatric early warning system
Congratulations to staff from Tauranga and Whakātane hospitals, who have recently started testing the new paediatric early warning system.
First districts go live with the national paediatric early warning system
The paediatric early warning system (PEWS) has now been launched in the majority of paediatric wards in Aotearoa New Zealand. We highlight some of the launch initiatives run by various staff around the motu.
Lives saved through programme focused on patient deterioration
A five-year patient deterioration programme funded by the Health Quality & Safety Commission has prevented a number of avoidable harms.
Clinical lead and deterioration early warning system team recognised for their work in aged residential care
Our aged residential care (ARC) clinical lead Julie Daltrey and the supporting deterioration early warning system (DEWS) team have recently been recognised within the ARC sector for the work relating to the DEWS.
- New national maternity early warning system aims to reduce maternal morbidity
- Implementation of maternity early warning system underway
Tell us about your experiences of using patient deterioration recognition and response systems
The Health Quality & Safety Commission is surveying clinical staff working in adult inpatient wards, including maternity, about their experiences and perceptions of caring for deteriorating patients and using recognition and response systems.
- Consumer report and reflections from the 2018 Patient deterioration New Zealand conference