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Example policy: Adult vital sign and early warning score measurement, recording and escalation
This policy 'adult vital sign and early warning score measurement, recording and escalation', is provided as an example only and will need to be adapted to reflect expectations for local practice and processes.
Blog: Consumer reflections from the Patient deterioration NZ conference
Sheila Beckers shares thoughts and experiences from the patient deterioration conference she attended in November 2018. The conference was co-hosted by the Health Quality & Safety Commission and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society.
Innovative Kōrero Mai service co-designed by patients, families and whānau
Better patient experience and outcomes lie at the very heart of an innovative service launched by the Waitemata DHB and supported by the Health Quality & Safety Commission.
No need to change patient deterioration early warning score parameters
The national patient deterioration programme says there is no need to change the New Zealand early warning score (NZEWS) parameters during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Busting myths about patient, family and whānau escalation
There are many myths surrounding patient, family and whānau escalation of care. This factsheet outlines the common myths and explains where you can find further information about them.
#O2TheFix toolkit
Tools developed by Waitematā DHB to encourage the safer prescribing and the best practice use of oxygen therapy, to reduce harm to patients.
Patient deterioration escalation sticker
This A6 sticker can be used to notify activation of the early warning score pathway.
Clinical governance recommendations for recognition and response systems
A clinical governance committee is needed to provide oversight and expert advice about the safety, effectiveness, and ongoing improvement of the recognition and response system.
- Recognition and response system retrospective case note review template
Patient deterioration data collection tool
Use this data collection tool for inputting data from patient deterioration audits and for sharing the results.