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Displaying 41 - 50 of 63 results
- Video: How to take blood pressure accurately in unwell children
Factsheet: Patient deterioration and sepsis
This factsheet from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme gives information on early investigation, treatment and referral for sepsis.
Factsheet: Patient deterioration and supplemental oxygen
This factsheet from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme provides guidance to clinicians on modifying the New Zealand early warning score trigger for patients receiving supplemental oxygen.
Courtenay and Demar, their story
Courtenay Mihinui shares the story of her journey through the health system with her daughter Demar.
New Zealand national maternity early warning system (MEWS) preparation and implementation guide
The health of pregnant and recently pregnant women can deteriorate for many reasons. At times, the failure to recognise signs of deterioration, escalate care and respond appropriately can cause preventable deterioration.
Webinar: Moving the goal posts – modifying the New Zealand early warning score
The Health Quality & Safety Commission held a webinar on 27 July 2018 about modifications to the New Zealand early warning score (NZEWS).
Presentations and videos from Patient deterioration New Zealand: current state and future developments
Presentations and videos from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's two-day conference Patient deterioration New Zealand: current state and future developments.
Kōrero mai site case studies (July 2017–November 2020)
Between July 2017 and June 2018, we worked with Ko Awatea’s Dr Lynne Maher and the four Kōrero mai lead sites to co-design patient, family and whānau escalation of care processes.
Vital signs chart with New Zealand early warning score
Interactive version of a vital signs chart which includes the New Zealand early warning score.
Top tips for a successful co-design project
Between July 2017 and June 2018, we worked with Ko Awatea’s Dr Lynne Maher and the four Kōrero mai lead sites to co-design patient, family and whānau escalation of care processes.