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Displaying 31 - 40 of 63 results
Patient deterioration and recognition and response systems: factsheets for hospital executives and senior clinicians
These factsheets describe the patient deterioration recognition and response systems. There is a factsheet for senior clinicians and another for hospital executives.
Patient deterioration rapid response call sticker
This A6 sticker can be used to identify patients who have had a rapid response activation.
Co-designing a patient, family and whānau escalation of care process factsheet for patients, family and whānau (consumers)
The Commission has developed a new co-design resource: a factsheet for hospitals to give to consumers who are considering joining the Kōrero mai/Talk to me co-design team. This was originally published in June 2017 and was updated in October 2020.
Early implementation evaluation report
Between October 2017 and June 2018, the Commission worked with six early implementation sites to make improvements to their systems through testing the national vital signs chart, New Zealand early warning score and other tools and guidance.
Recognition and response system summary
This summary sheet provides information about the recognition and response system workstream for the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme.
Recognition and response system project charter template
This template forms part of the patient deterioration preparation and implementation guide, and will assist teams with the development of a project charter.
Rasik’s story
Rasik is the main carer for his sister. He shares the story of supporting her through a first hospital admission for surgery, and through many subsequent admissions over the following five years.
Guide to recording blood pressure in acutely unwell tamariki | He aratohu hei tuhi i te taukapa o te toto i te tamariki e māuiui ana
This guide covers the common questions raised by paediatric teams during the national rollout of the Aotearoa New Zealand paediatric early warning system about the routine measurement of blood pressure in acutely unwell children.
Presentations from the special one-day workshop with Jeanne M. Huddleston
In partnership with the Health Roundtable, the Health Quality & Safety Commission hosted Associate Professor Jeanne M. Huddleston from the Mayo Clinic for a full-day interactive workshop.
Vital sign charts and early warning systems: A scoping literature review
Adapt Research, on behalf of Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission has undertaken a scoping review of recent literature in 2024 to ensure the national adult and maternity vital signs charts remain aligned to best practice.