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Displaying 21 - 30 of 63 results
Clinical governance recommendations for recognition and response systems
A clinical governance committee is needed to provide oversight and expert advice about the safety, effectiveness, and ongoing improvement of the recognition and response system.
Measurement guidance – recognition and response systems
This measurement guidance will support hospitals to implement their recognition and response system, monitor progress, and identify areas for continuous quality improvement.
Kōrero mai | Talk to me investigates kaupapa Māori approach to patient safety
Patients and whānau often say ‘something just doesn’t feel right’ and they are often correct, recognising subtle signs of patient deterioration in hospital, even when vital signs are normal.
Infographic: Recognition and response systems save lives
This infographic from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme provides information about recognition and response systems.
#O2TheFix toolkit
Tools developed by Waitematā DHB to encourage the safer prescribing and the best practice use of oxygen therapy, to reduce harm to patients.
The deteriorating adult patient: evidence summary
This is an evidence summary of three potential interventions relating to the deteriorating adult patient.
Paediatric vital sign chart (PVSC) quick reference guide
This guide gives quick ‘how to’ answers to commonly asked questions about completing the paediatric vital sign charts.
Evaluation report: Test of the national paediatric early warning system implementation
This document outlines an evaluation of the early implementation of the national paediatric early warning system (PEWS).
Example policy: Adult vital sign and early warning score measurement, recording and escalation
This policy 'adult vital sign and early warning score measurement, recording and escalation', is provided as an example only and will need to be adapted to reflect expectations for local practice and processes.
Patient, family and whānau escalation process case for change
The case for change for a patient, family and whānau escalation process which forms part of the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme.