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Displaying 11 - 20 of 63 results
- Factsheet: Capabilities for recognising and responding to acute deterioration in hospital
Investment case for the deteriorating patient
This investment case for a quality improvement programme to reduce harm caused by clinical deterioration was prepared for the Health Quality & Safety Commission by Sapere Research group.
Stakeholder assessment template
This template forms apart of the patient deterioration preparation and implementation guide.
Maternity early warning system (MEWS) virtual grand round presentation
In this video, Dr Matthew Drake (clinical lead obstetric anaesthesia) presents a virtual grand round about the New Zealand national maternity early warning system (MEWS).
Patient, family and whānau escalation: Kōrero mai projects – what we know so far
Case study from the three test sites exploring the complexity of communication relating to escalation.
Te māwhenga tūroro | patient deterioration programme update
The Health Quality & Safety Commission’s te māwhenga tūroro | patient deterioration programme is focusing on several key projects in 2020. Find out more in this update.
Patient deterioration escalation sticker
This A6 sticker can be used to notify activation of the early warning score pathway.
Innovative Kōrero Mai service co-designed by patients, families and whānau
Better patient experience and outcomes lie at the very heart of an innovative service launched by the Waitemata DHB and supported by the Health Quality & Safety Commission.
Kōrero mai empowers couple to voice concerns
When Angela felt her voice wasn’t being heard during her husband Geoff’s stay in Wellington Regional Hospital, the Kōrero mai service supported her to escalate her concerns about his deteriorating health.
New Zealand early warning score vital sign chart user guide
The purpose of this user guide is to provide information about the logistical and clinical considerations for using the national New Zealand early warning score vital sign chart.