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Displaying 41 - 50 of 165 results
District health boards take part in World Hand Hygiene Day 2020
District health boards across the country took part in World Hand Hygiene Day on Tuesday 5 May 2020. This article summarises some of the fun and innovative events DHBs shared with the Health Quality & Safety Commission as they celebrated.
Presentations from the webinar: Preventing and managing skin problems in the residential care setting
On 15 November 2023, Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission held a webinar about preventing and managing skin problems in the residential care setting. TCopies of the two main presentations can be downloaded from this page.
Hand Hygiene New Zealand patient participation guidelines 2013
The patient participation guidelines are designed to assist district health board (DHB) hand hygiene coordinators to develop and implement a hand hygiene patient participation programme as one component of their overall multi-modal programme
World Hand Hygiene Day 2019 communications toolkit
For Hand Hygiene Day this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) calls on everyone to be inspired by the global movement to achieve universal health coverage.
Frontline Ownership workshop with Dr Michael Gardam (videos)
Seven videos discuss different techniques to tackling hand hygiene problems and other challenging issues.
Infection prevention and you
Quicklinks to resources on the 'Infection prevention and you' website.
National hand hygiene compliance report 1 April–30 June 2019
National hand hygiene compliance report for the period of 1 April to 30 June 2019.
Guidelines: Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis
This document has been produced to encourage health care professionals to use surgical prophylaxis more effectively to improve the safety and quality of care that patients receive.
Interview with a new generation of infection prevention specialists
In part two of interviews with infection prevention and control (IPC) specialists, Health Quality & Safety Commission IPC specialist, Dr Ruth Barratt, talked with new IPC specialists.
Hand Hygiene New Zealand questionnaire: Evaluating the tolerability and acceptability of alcohol-based hand rub among health care workers
These three documents are parts one, two and three of a questionnaire about evaluating the tolerability and acceptability of alcohol-based hand rub among health care workers.