Search results
Displaying 131 - 140 of 165 results
BMJ Quality & Safety: Elimination of central-venous-catheter related bloodstream infections from the intensive care unit
The authors set out to reduce CRBSI and introduced interventions in their intensive care unit (ICU) over a 4-year period using a quality improvement approach.
Hand hygiene patient stories
Hand Hygiene New Zealand promotional resource: Patient stories.
Hand Hygiene New Zealand ward structure survey
Hand Hygiene New Zealand ward structure survey document.
National hand hygiene compliance report: 1 November 2022 to 28 February 2023
This report presents results for the period 1 November to 28 February 2023 including national hand hygiene compliance for 20 health districts and 23 private surgical hospitals (PSHs).
Presentations from the New Zealand workshop on Clostridium Difficile infection
Presentations given by speakers at the New Zealand workshop on Clostridium Difficile infection (CDI). Links to the presentations can be found at the bottom of the page.
Antimicrobial Stewardship in New Zealand
Interviews involving experts from across the health sector were conducted in April and May 2013 to investigate the context and recommendations for antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in New Zealand.
Target CLAB Zero final report
This is the final report on the collaborative to prevent central line associated bacteraemia (CLAB).
Stay safe from infection
This short video explains what you and your family and whānau can do to prevent an infection developing in your wound when you have surgery.
SSI webinar 1: Case for change
Presentations from the first SSI webinar - the case for change.
Using the Health Quality & Safety Commission Surgical Site Infection investigation tool – a summary of practice points from Dr Arthur Morris, clinical lead, Health Quality & Safety Commission
The following points summarise the information Dr Arthur Morris provided during his webinar presentation on 7 December 2021 and include the rationale for collecting specific data.