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Responses to themed questions raised during 14 September 2021 webinar to launch ‘Pou hirihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harm’ video
Some questions were raised at the webinar to launch the video but there was not enough time to answer them all. We have now provided responses to those questions.
Video: How Mersey Care built a restorative just culture
In this presentation, Joe Rafferty, Chief Executive of Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, and Amanda Oates, Executive Director of Workforce, outline how they built a restorative just culture in Mersey Care.
Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience (LAECFWE) | Te ako mai i ngā pamamaetanga me to wheako tangata whaiora me to whānau
A priority area within the seven-year mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme coordinated by Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission (Te Tāhū Hauora), the LAECFWE project began in September 2019 and ended in 2023.
E-learning module: Human Factors | Ngā Āhua Tangata
The e-learning module, Human Factors | Ngā Āhua Tangata in health care includes seven videos and is available free to all in health care professionals via the LearnOnline platform.
New film focuses on healing and learning from health care harm
A new film, Pou hihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harm, features consumers, clinicians and researchers talking about the benefits of following a restorative approach after a harmful event occurs in health care.
He maungarongo ki ngā iwi: Envisioning a restorative health system in Aotearoa New Zealand
This framework supports the health and disability sector to mitigate and respond to health care harm in Aotearoa New Zealand.
New e-learning resource available – Human Factors | Ngā Āhua Tangata in health care
The Health Quality & Safety Commission (the Commission) today released a new e-learning module on Human Factors | Ngā Āhua Tangata in health care.
Implementing a relational approach when things don’t go to plan in the health care setting
Elizabeth Wood (general practitioner by training and clinical director of clinical governance at Nelson Marlborough Health) is encouraging health practitioners to sign up for the micro-credentialling and give it a go.
Implementing a relational approach when things don’t go to plan in the health care setting
Watch Dr Elizabeth Wood talk about the importance of taking a more relational approach when things don’t go to plan in the health care setting and how doing so enables more opportunities to learn and heal.
Pou hihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harm
Pou hihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harm was developed by the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice and Stella Maris productions in consultation with several health sector and Māori partners, and funded by the Commission.