Displaying 231 - 240 of 255 results
Maternal morbidity review toolkit: Review template (Microsoft Word version)The maternal morbidity review template is part of the maternal morbidity review toolkit for maternity services.
Advance care planning: Arn and Joseph's storiesArn and Joseph talk about advance care planning: Living for today, planning for tomorrow.
Mental health and addiction tools and resourcesTools and resources provided by the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme's Māori advisory group.
Open Book: Learning Review (March 2021)This Open Book introduces the Learning Review, a process originally developed in the United States Forest Service.
Open Book: Hypoxic cardiac arrest during attempted percutaneous tracheostomyThis report alerts providers of the risk of hypoxic cardiac arrest during percutaneous tracheostomy. The aim is to learn from the event and establish a standard operating procedure to prevent future similar events.
Open Book: Extravasation injury during surgeryThis Open Book alerts providers to the key findings of a recent review of an incident where a patient suffered an extravasation injury that required skin grafts to repair.
Māori lives matterIn this presentation from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Ō tātou hiranga advance care planning hui, Hector Matthews shines the spotlight on Māori inequity and the systemic biases that perpetuate inequities.
Leaning in to lessen fearIn this presentation from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Ō tātou hiranga advance care planning hui, our speakers talk about how structured conversations can free clinicians, patients and their whānau and help them explore what matters most.
The national patient deterioration programme and shared goals of careIn this presentation from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Ō tātou hiranga advance care planning hui, our speakers talk about the Commission's national patient deterioration programme and shared goals of care.
ALERT 12: HeparinPurpose: To highlight the risks for patients on heparin and to promote safer practice.