Displaying 601 - 610 of 676 results
Safe use of opioids collaborative information for DHB hospitalsInformation document for DHBs about the breakthrough series collaborative on safe use of opioids in hospitals.
Safe use of opioids measurement: frequently asked questionsFrequently asked questions about measurement for the safe use of opioids.
Opioid implementation packageThis package outlines the next steps and what the options are to make a significant difference in opioid-induced adverse drug events.
Acetylcysteine for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity – 2-bag dosing guidanceNew dosing guidance for acetylcysteine for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity issued in January 2019.
Safety Signal: Changes to the labelling of Bicillin LA®Following international practice, the name and strength description for Bicillin LA® has been changed. The expression of the name will now be benzathine benzylpenicillin tetrahydrate. The expression of product strength will now be 1,200,000 units/2.3
#O2TheFix toolkitTools developed by Waitematā DHB to encourage the safer prescribing and the best practice use of oxygen therapy, to reduce harm to patients.
Quality improvement toolkitTechniques for reviewing an event and implementing change and improvements.
Display of combination product medicines in electronic systemsGuidelines for the display of combination product medicines in electronic systems.
Pain-relieving medicines for acute pain – information for patientsThe Health Quality & Safety Commission, Choosing Wisely and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists have developed an information leaflet to help patients, caregivers and whānau use opioid medicines safely, to manage non-cancer pain.
Some medicines for epilepsy, mental health, and pain can harm your unborn babyA booklet and a flyer from ACC with information for people who could get pregnant, and their families and whānau, understand the risks and benefits of taking anti-seizure medicines for epilepsy, mental health and pain.