Displaying 21 - 30 of 92 results
Adult primary care patient experience survey: methodology and proceduresThe methodology and procedures for the adult primary care patient experience survey (August 2020 update).
Adult primary care patient experience survey 2019: A review of responses in the general practice module and suggestions for the futureThis report seeks to give readers a focused review of responses to the general practice section of the 2019 New Zealand adult primary care patient experience survey.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: General practice guide to getting startedA guide for general practices about getting started with the adult primary care patient experience survey.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: PHO guide to getting startedA guide for primary health organisations (PHOs) about getting started with the adult primary care patient experience survey.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: videos for in-clinic waiting roomGeneral practices taking part in the patient experience survey can now show a video in their clinic waiting room that talks about what the survey is and encourages patients to participate.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: protocol for reviewing patient commentsThis document outlines the protocol for reviewing patient comments from the adult primary care patient experience survey.
Adult primary care patient experience survey: Patient management system instructionsPatient management system instructions for the primary care patient experience survey, for Best practice, Medtech and MyPractice patient management systems.
The health care experience of disabled people during COVID-19: Summary of findings from the COVID-19 patient experience surveyThe Health Quality & Safety Commission runs two national surveys every three months to gather information about how people experience health care in Aotearoa New Zealand hospitals and in primary care (going to the doctor or pharmacy).
Key findings from the adult hospital inpatient experience survey: February 2022Key findings from the adult hospital inpatient experience survey.
Key findings from the adult primary care patient experience survey: February 2022Key findings from the adult primary care patient experience survey.