Displaying 11 - 20 of 64 results
Margaret's story: Understanding the side effects of medicinesIn this video, Margaret Pye shares how she experienced constipation following use of morphine.
Taking Your Medicine Safely pamphletA medication safety pamphlet for patients.
Error-prone abbreviations, symbols and dose designations not to useThis poster and quick reference card list abbreviations, symbols and dose designations that have been reported internationally as being frequently misinterpreted and involved in harmful medication errors.
Just and fair cultureThis training video illustrates the principles of a just and fair culture; in a just culture, people feel safe and secure to speak up when an error occurs.
National medication chart toolkit, user guide and medication charting standard (updated February 2021)The medication charting toolkit has been prepared for health practitioners who are implementing the national medication chart and/or conducting education and training on how to use the national medication chart.
Alert 18: Thrombolysis for acute ischaemic strokeActions for providers delivering thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke, highlighting specific issues relating to tenecteplase.
Alert 19: Baclofen oral liquid medication alertThis medication alert is to advise that the Aotearoa New Zealand standardised batch sheet for baclofen oral suspension will change to a 1 mg/mL concentration from 1 November 2021.
Medication Safety Watch – Issue 11, September 2014Issue 11 of the Medication Safety Watch newsletter, a bulletin for all health professionals and health care managers working with medicines or patient safety.
Medication Safety Watch – Issue 10, June 2014Issue 10 of the Medication Safety Watch newsletter, a bulletin for all health professionals and health care managers working with medicines or patient safety.