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16 May 2012
The key questions of medicine reconciliation
Authors from the University of Toronto take a closer look at medicine reconciliation in this Healthcare Quarterly article.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
07 May 2012
Born too soon – a new report looks at the increasing number of preterm births
A PMMRC workshop on improving outcomes for New Zealand mothers and babies.
Perinatal & Maternal Mortality Review Committee
22 Feb 2012
Recommendations to prevent administration errors with Velcade (bortezomib)
The European Medicines Agency is aware of three fatal cases of administration error that occurred with Velcade in the European Union, where the medicine was accidentally given intrathecally (into the space that surrounds the spinal cord) instead of i
Pressure injuries (Reducing harm)
31 Jan 2012
Medicines reconciliation film - NHS employers organisation (UK)
A film about medicines reconciliation to highlight the role each sector plays in medicines reconciliation, particularly hospital pharmacy.
Falls (Reducing harm)
10 Dec 2011
Guidelines for Applications for a Director-General's Waiver to allow Electronic Prescribing
On 1 August 2011, the waiver provision in the Medicines Regulations 1984 was updated.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
07 Sep 2011
Report looks at deadly impacts of alcohol on children and young people
A new report highlights the strong contribution of alcohol to the dramatic increase in the rate of death by injury after the age of fifteen, with many young people becoming victims of their own drinking or the drinking of others.
Child & Youth Mortality Review Committee
02 Sep 2011
Low Speed Run Over Mortality – Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee
The Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee (CYMRC) has released a report examining deaths from low speed run overs and ways of preventing them.
Child & Youth Mortality Review Committee
13 May 2011
Greater awareness needed of risks for children around cars
The Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee is calling for greater efforts and awareness to protect young children from the risks of slow moving vehicles, especially in household driveways.
Child & Youth Mortality Review Committee