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11 Sep 2023
Update on Ora® product supply shortage (September 2023)
Due to a manufacturing issue, Ora® products are likely to be in limited supply for the coming months before resupply in early November 2023.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
03 Nov 2020
#MedSafetyWeek 2020 urges reporting of adverse drug reactions
From 2 to 6 November 2020, medicines regulators around the globe will be joining forces to launch a social media campaign that raises awareness of adverse drug reactions. The theme for 2020 is ‘Your report matters’.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
25 Sep 2020
New Choosing Wisely pharmacy recommendations
More than 40 New Zealand pharmacists have worked together to develop new Choosing Wisely pharmacy recommendations.
Choosing Wisely Medicines (Reducing harm) Reducing harm
05 Jun 2020
Report COVID-19-related medication errors, challenges and ideas to the New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre
The NZPhvC encourages you to report any COVID-19 related medication errors, particular challenges or situations that could lead to errors and any ideas on what measures should be put in place to mitigate errors in the future.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
06 Jan 2020
New community medication chart makes prescriptions clearer
Hutt Valley DHB and Nelson Marlborough DHB, with support from the Health Quality & Safety Commission have produced a new medication chart for use by district nursing in the community.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
29 Apr 2019
Batch sheets for compounded oral liquid medicines updated to improve patient safety
A review and update of the standard batch sheets for oral liquid formulations compounded in New Zealand (NZ standard oral formulations or NZSOF) has been completed.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
02 Apr 2019
Medicine information leaflets now available in te reo Māori | E wātea ana ngā mātārere mōhiohio rongoā ināianei i roto i te reo Māori
A series of medicine information leaflets for New Zealand health consumers, My Medicines, is being made available in te reo Māori.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
30 Jan 2019
New dosing guidelines for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity
The National Poisons Centre has issued new dosing guidance for acetylcysteine for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity.
Medicines (Reducing harm)
20 Jul 2018
Caution with the use of fentanyl patches
A reminder for patients, their whānau and health professionals
Medicines (Reducing harm)
20 Mar 2018
Blog: Whose fault is it anyway?
Every now and then a personal story comes along to shock us. It forces us to shake our heads and demand an answer. It calls us to action.
Reducing harm Medicines (Reducing harm)