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Displaying 81 - 90 of 120 results
New mental health and addiction service network set to launch
Whāriki, a new network for innovators, influencers and leaders in mental health and addiction services will launch in early 2021.
Mental health and addiction programme hosts AUT students
Auckland University of Technology students Nicole Oliveri and Alisi Fangupo have been learning about the challenges of the mental health and addiction sector during their placement with the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme.
Mental health and addiction quality improvement programme update – October 2020
Update from the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme (October 2020).
Mental health and addiction quality improvement programme update April 2021
This update from the mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme | Whakapai i ngā mahi hauora hinengaro waranga hoki focuses on the programme approach to the end of June 2022.
Importance of whānau engagement focus of mental health and addiction learning session
More than 60 participants attended learning session three for the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme's Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience project.
Blog: Working restoratively to co-create safe health care – part one
Jo Wailling, research associate with the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice at Victoria University of Wellington and Wi Keelan mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme kaumātua explore...
Blog: Māori health advancement – how can we do it?
I have worked in mental health for 28 years. Over that time we have arguably made little progress addressing inequities, in particular with Māori. Māori are still up to three times more likely than others to experience mental health issues.
Improving safety in response to mental health and addiction adverse events
Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience is one of the five priority areas for the Commission’s national five-year mental health and addiction quality improvement programme.
Survey gives insights into staff views on mental health and addiction services
A survey of over 2500 people working in mental health and addiction services has found that, while many feel tāngata whaiora (consumers in these services) are treated with respect, there are challenges in several areas.
Connecting care: improving service transitions – Kolini Baker’s story
Kolini Baker tells the story of her journey with mental ill health and her transition from acute care to community care.