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Displaying 101 - 110 of 120 results
Pono consumer story: Haki Davis
Haki Davis shares his experience of seclusion in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Pono consumer stories project.
Medication safety, prescribing and the medicines management process in mental health
A review of what is known about medication safety within mental health.
Mental health and addiction severity assessment code (SAC) examples 2024
Mental health and addiction Severity Assessment Code (SAC) examples for adverse event reporting.
Reporting and reviewing adverse events involving consumers of mental health and addiction services
This purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the MHA sector and clarify its obligations under the national policy. Note: This is an interim document pending the update of the National Adverse Events Reporting Policy in 2022.
Principles for engaging consumers and whānau in mental health and addiction adverse event reviews
This information is provided for mental health and addiction (MHA) services. It is intended to guide adverse event review facilitators on the principles of engaging with consumers and their whānau affected by an adverse event and to complement...
Zero seclusion measurement: A family of measures
This document describes the 'family of measures' used in the Commission's mental health and addiction quality improvement programme.
- National decrease in seclusion – the numbers
Ngā poutama oranga hinengaro: quality in context survey poster
This poster introduces the August 2018 mental health and addiction quality and safety culture survey and provides an overview of who can take part, the purpose of the survey and how to access it.
Mental health and addiction quality improvement programme brochure | Ngā poutama oranga hinengaro-mahitahi
This brochure provides an overview of the Health Quality & Safety Commission mental health and addiction quality improvement programme.
Presentations from workshops on project focused on monitoring consumers on particular antipsychotic medication treatment to reduce risk of poor cardiovascular health
Slides are available below from the supra-regional co-design workshops on the project focusing on monitoring consumers on particular antipsychotic medication treatment to reduce risk of poor cardiovascular health.