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Presentations from the first learning session for Connecting Care: improving service transitions
Presentations and videos from the first learning session for Connecting Care: improving service transitions / Te tūhono i ngā manaakitanga, te whakapai ake i ngā whakawhitinga ratonga
National event marks ‘the beginning of the end’ for seclusion
Stakeholders from across the country joined the Commission and Te Pou this month, to begin the important work of the national collaborative Zero Seclusion: towards the elimination of seclusion by 2020.
Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey flyer
Flyer for consumers, family and whānau about the Ngā Poutama consumer, family and whānau experience survey.
Pono consumer story: Nicola Peeperkoorn
Nicola Peeperkoorn explores her family’s experience of the mental health and addiction event review process.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board leads the way towards zero seclusion
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is making great progress working toward eliminating seclusion.
Storyboards and presentations from the Connecting Care co-design workshop
Storyboards and presentations from the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme Connecting Care co-design workshop, held on 21–22 November 2018.
Auckland District Health Board shows zero seclusion is both possible and sustainable
Te Toka Tumai Auckland District Health Board (DHB) has dramatically reduced its rates of seclusion in mental health and addiction (MHA) services. Assaults on staff are down and staff retention is up.
Mental health and addiction quality improvement programme evaluation 2023
An evaluation of the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme, undertaken by social research company Litmus in late 2023.
Blog: Colourism: Skin deep
In this blog, Rangimaarie Painting, a student from the University of Auckland on placement with the Health Quality & Safety Commission, discusses the concept of colourism.
Presentations from the second learning session for Zero seclusion: towards eliminating seclusion by 2020
Copies of presentations from the second learning session for Zero seclusion: towards eliminating seclusion by 2020 held in December 2018.