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Displaying 21 - 30 of 86 results
Open Book: Extravasation injury during surgery
This Open Book alerts providers to the key findings of a recent review of an incident where a patient suffered an extravasation injury that required skin grafts to repair.
Video: Surgical briefing and debriefings
This video from the Commission's Reducing Perioperative Harm programme demonstrates best practice for briefing and debriefing sessions, based on the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist.
Video: Antibiotic Intervention
The video below outlines the Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme's guidelines for the appropriate use of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis – the first in a series of interventions.
Risk factors differ for Gram-negative surgical site infection following hip and knee arthroplasty: an observational study from a national surveillance system
This article describes describe risk factors for surgical site infection (SSI) caused by aerobic Gram-negative organisms after hip and knee arthroplasty in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Surgical Safety Checklist features on TV3
3News featured a story on its Firstline show about the importance of using the surgical safety checklist.
Surgical checklist video
This video outlines the steps of using the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist – sign in, time out and sign out.
SSI orthopaedic monitoring tool - variable life-adjusted display (VLAD) report
The orthopaedic monitoring tool (VLAD report) is a tool to track orthopaedic surgical site infections (SSI) in your DHB. It is updated quarterly.
What is perioperative harm and how can we reduce it?
Presentation from Perioperative Harm Advisory Group clinical lead Mr Ian Civil – What is perioperative harm and how can we reduce it?
Video: Surgical safety checklist (summary version, 4min 03sec)
This is a summary version of the Commission's video on effective use of the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist.
Frequently asked questions about the Safe Surgery NZ programme
This document covers frequently asked questions for the Safe Surgery NZ programme including the surgical safety checklist, briefing, debriefing and collection of data for the safe surgery quality and safety marker.