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Video: Surgical safety checklist (full length, 10min 58sec)
A video from the Commission outlining the use of the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist.
Open Book: Bloodstream infection related to peripheral intravenous cannula (May 2016)
This report alerts providers to key findings and actions following review of a serious healthcare associated infection related to the insertion and management of a peripheral intravenous cannula (PIVC).
Surgical Safety Checklist (Australia & New Zealand)
This checklist has been adapted from the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
Guidelines: Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis
This document has been produced to encourage health care professionals to use surgical prophylaxis more effectively to improve the safety and quality of care that patients receive.
Surgical checklist video: sign in
This video outlines step one of the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist – sign in.
How surgical briefings are held at Counties Manukau Health
Alisa Ili, theatre nurse manager and Dr Andrew Connolly, general surgeon, share how they conduct surgical briefings at Counties Manukau Health.
Open Book: CVC removal (July 2015)
This report alerts providers to key findings of a recent review, and highlights changes put in place to stop such an event happening again.
Cardiac surgery implementation manual | Pukapuka aratohu whakahaere poka manawa
Guide for providers implementing and delivering a national Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme in New Zealand
Safe Surgery NZ teamwork & communication video 2: Time out
Video 2 in the teamwork and communication roll-out.
SSIIP skin antisepsis guide
This document has been produced to encourage health care professionals to use skin antisepsis preparation more effectively to improve the safety and quality of care that patients receive.