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Displaying 21 - 30 of 165 results
Paper highlights significant burden of healthcare-associated infections in public hospitals
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are estimated to have cost the health care system $955 million in 2021 and to have caused more disability than road traffic crashes.
Peripheral intravenous catheter infographics
Downloadable A3 and A4 versions of the peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) infographics.
Video: Antibiotic Intervention
The video below outlines the Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme's guidelines for the appropriate use of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis – the first in a series of interventions.
Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme information sheet
The Surgical Site Infection Improvement (SSII) programme was established to encourage culture change and practice improvements that better support the prevention of SSIs.
Poster: How to hand wash
Posters showing your '5 moments for hand hygiene', available with either a female or male character shown.
Anti-staphylococcal bundle to reduce surgical site infections in orthopaedic and cardiac surgery
Feedback summary of discussion paper and next steps
Hand Hygiene: A review of literature and programmes
This document describes the findings of a literature review conducted as part of a wider review of the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s Hand Hygiene New Zealand (HHNZ) programme.
Presentations from the Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme champions meetings
Presentations from the Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme champions meetings are available to download on this page.
Guide to the surveillance of healthcare-associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (HA-SAB)
This guide is for DHBs to enable consistent reporting on HA-SAB, contributing to accurate national data and reliable information for quality improvement activities.
Hand Hygiene New Zealand auditing manual (2019 edition)
A practical guide to auditing hand hygiene compliance in New Zealand hospitals.