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Responsible use of antibiotics saves lives – International Infection Prevention Week 2020
It’s International Infection Prevention Week 2020 and the Health Quality & Safety Commission and the Choosing Wisely campaign are sending a reminder that the responsible use of antibiotics is critical to people’s health.
World Hand Hygiene Day: A reminder against complacency
World Hand Hygiene Day on Wednesday 5 May is a reminder of the important role appropriate hand hygiene plays in preventing the spread of illnesses – from the flu to COVID-19.
Orthopaedic data collection made simpler
The Health Quality & Safety Commission has approved an option for district health boards to transition to ‘light surveillance’ for the orthopaedic surgical site infection improvement programme.
New Zealand to participate in international survey for World Hand Hygiene Day
New Zealand has an opportunity to participate in a global survey to assess infection prevention and control programmes in health care facilities as part of World Hand Hygiene Day on 5 May.
World Hand Hygiene Day a reminder of its critical role in preventing COVID-19 spread
World Hand Hygiene Day on Tuesday 5 May is a timely reminder of the critical role good hand hygiene practice plays in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Toolkit encourages staff and senior leadership engagement in infection prevention
This International Infection Prevention and Control Week (13–19 October 2019), the Health Quality & Safety Commission is encouraging hospital staff and senior leaders in infection prevention and control (IPC) to take part in walk rounds.
Introduction to the Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission infection prevention and control improvement programmes
This presentation was developed as a resource for stakeholders who take part in the Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission infection prevention and control (IPC) programme.
Jane’s story – the unseen impact of developing an infection after surgery
Jane (not her real name) shares her personal story of developing a healthcare-associated infection to highlight the impact of these on patients and their whānau.
Hand hygiene observation data collection form
Hand Hygiene New Zealand data observation data collection form.
National approach for healthcare associated infection quality improvement
DHBs have agreed to fund a new model for an effective and sustainable whole-of-sector approach to healthcare associated infection (HAI) in New Zealand.