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Displaying 71 - 80 of 84 results
ALERT 11: Dabigatran
Purpose: To highlight the risks associated with the use of dabigatran
- ALERT 9: Intravenous infusion practice
Health literacy medication safety project evaluation report, training tools and resources (August 2013)
Evaluation report and resources from Malatest International and resources from Workbase Education Trust for the Commission's health literacy medication safety demonstration project.
Safe use of opioids measurement: frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about measurement for the safe use of opioids.
New dosing guidelines for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity
The National Poisons Centre has issued new dosing guidance for acetylcysteine for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity.
- ALERT: Intrathecal chemotherapy and intravenous vinca alkaloids
ALERT: Colour coded wristbands
There is no uniform approach in New Zealand to the colours used to indicate different risks, e.g. red bands are used to indicate different risks in three different DHBs; a high risk of falls, drug allergy and gas inserted into the eye during retinal
ALERT 13: Caffeine citrate oral solution
Purpose: To highlight and reduce the risk of inadvertent under or overdosing with caffeine citrate oral solution solution.
ALERT 17: Alteplase or tenecteplase?
An alert has been issued to highlight the need to clearly differentiate between stroke thrombolysis and myocardial infarction thrombolysis.
Some medicines for epilepsy, mental health, and pain can harm your unborn baby
A booklet and a flyer from ACC with information for people who could get pregnant, and their families and whānau, understand the risks and benefits of taking anti-seizure medicines for epilepsy, mental health and pain.