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Displaying 1 - 10 of 84 results
- Video: Introducing the safe use of opioids collaborative
ALERT: Transdermal patches
Purpose: To highlight the risks associated with the use of transdermal patches (both from the medicine and the delivery system).
- ALERT 7: Morphine
Reducing opioid-related harm and building quality improvement capability in New Zealand: a national formative collaborative
This poster 'Reducing opioid-related harm and building quality improvement capability in New Zealand: a national formative collaborative' was presented at the IHI's 28th annual national forum on quality improvement in health care.
Update on the safe use of opioids collaborative
The Health Quality & Safety Commission’s Medication Safety programme welcomes the members of the national safe use of opioids collaborative:
ALERT 17: Alteplase or tenecteplase?
An alert has been issued to highlight the need to clearly differentiate between stroke thrombolysis and myocardial infarction thrombolysis.
Oxycodone: How did we get here and how do we fix it
This article from Best Practice Journal (July 2014) 'How did we get here and how do we fix it' focuses on the increase in prescribing of oxycodone.
ALERT 13: Caffeine citrate oral solution
Purpose: To highlight and reduce the risk of inadvertent under or overdosing with caffeine citrate oral solution solution.
Some medicines for epilepsy, mental health, and pain can harm your unborn baby
A booklet and a flyer from ACC with information for people who could get pregnant, and their families and whānau, understand the risks and benefits of taking anti-seizure medicines for epilepsy, mental health and pain.
New dosing guidelines for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity
The National Poisons Centre has issued new dosing guidance for acetylcysteine for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and toxicity.