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Displaying 31 - 40 of 84 results
Adverse events exception reporting 2020/21: Thematic analysis involving Māori and Pacific peoples
This paper presents a thematic analysis of severity assessment code (SAC)-1 and 2 adverse events involving Māori and Pacific peoples reported to Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2021.
Adverse events report signals stronger focus on learning from consumers
The latest Learning from adverse events report recommends putting consumers at the centre when reporting, reviewing and learning from adverse events.
2018/19 adverse events report released
The annual Learning from adverse events report from the Health Quality & Safety Commission has been released.
New e-learning resource available – Human Factors | Ngā Āhua Tangata in health care
The Health Quality & Safety Commission (the Commission) today released a new e-learning module on Human Factors | Ngā Āhua Tangata in health care.
Pressure injury review template 2024
This optional template is available to assist with reviews of pressure injuries.
National adverse events policy 2023 feedback summary
A summary of the feedback and responses from public consultation on the revised Healing, learning and improving from harm: national adverse events policy 2023 is now available.
Commission releases annual summary of adverse events data from 2019/20
The annual summary of adverse events data from 2019/20 has been released by the Health Quality & Safety Commission.
- Severity Assessment Code (SAC) rating and process tools
Pono consumer story: Anne-Marie Douglas
Anne-Marie Douglas shares her experience of mental health challenges that led to a review process.
Open Book: Epidural medicines through intravenous lines (September 2015)
This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of a recent review, with an update on new engineering standards being introduced worldwide to prevent Luer misconnections.