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Support for people working in health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find information about how you can support yourselves and others, including consumers, teams and colleagues which complements and aligns with Ministry of Health resources.

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Towards quality improvement at scale in the New Zealand primary care setting: Findings from consumer and health service...

16 Nov 2021

The Health Quality & Safety Commission is pleased to share the findings from consumer, health service and stakeholder engagement, to inform the future direction and priorities in our primary care programme.

This document, Towards quality improvement at scale in the New Zealand primary care setting, was prepared for us by Associate Professor Sue Wells, in her capacity as clinical advisor to the programme and a member of our primary care expert advisory group. It was commissioned to help us plan how to achieve quality improvement at scale in primary care. It will also help us understand the barriers and challenges, what the sector thinks our role should be, and where they see us adding the best value.

The document captures and summarises sector feedback according to key themes, which are to:

  • develop definitions of quality and quality improvement from tangata whenua, to reflect Aotearoa New Zealand perspectives
  • investigate the application of the ‘collective impact’ model, develop a shared vision for quality improvement and a national cross-agency unified charter and strategy
  • expand our knowledge management role
  • continue to build workforce capability
  • consider primary care collaboratives as a vehicle for addressing health outcomes, building intersectoral relationships, teamwork (across consumers and the health and social service workforce) and quality improvement capability building.