This report summarises the outcomes of a scoping project exploring the possibility of gathering and sharing ‘nuggets of gold’ – that is, stories from those with lived experience of suicide attempt.
The ‘nuggets of gold’ project came about after members of the Suicide Mortality Review Committee identified a gap in knowledge in Aotearoa New Zealand relating to lived experience of suicide and what tools or techniques helped when people had or acted on thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
The original and primary aim of the project was to define questions for a survey that would identify tools for staying well. However, during the interview process it quickly emerged that how to ask those questions was more important than what the questions should be. The process was modified accordingly.
For this reason, interviews asked the 15 participants with lived experience how best to gather and share stories of what works from a lived experience perspective. The scoping project documented the participants’ comments on the process of gathering and sharing lived experience stories and this report summarises those comments.