Guideline for Staff working in Multiple Roles in Aged Residential Care Facilities
To ensure staff maintain optimal Infection Prevention and Control principles whilst working in multiple roles. This will assist to maintain resident and staff safety.
At times staff may be employed in Aged Residential Care facilities in multiple roles; undertaking Health Care Assistant (HCA), Cleaner, Kitchen Hand and Laundry tasks in the one shift.
Good hand hygiene adhering to the 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene is an effective way to prevent the transmission of microorganisms and multi-resistant organisms. Hands can transmit organisms to other residents and staff, to the environment and to the staff member.
To ensure the risk of transmission of microorganism’s is reduced please support staff to undertake the following;
- Undertake meal prep activities at the beginning of the shift before other activities.
- Laundry and cleaning activities are separate to resident care activities and should occur nearer the end of the shift.
- Ensure disposable aprons and gloves are worn for cleaning and laundry activities.
- Consider wearing apron with meal prep if this has been interrupted by patient care activities.
- Aprons should be changed between residents.
Ensure Standard Precautions are practised at all times, for all residents, always.
Ensure hand hygiene occurs:
- Before and after meal prep
- Before and after patient cares
- Before and after patient procedures e.g. blood glucose monitoring, medication preparation
- Before and after glove use
- After touching the patient environment e.g. tables, lockers, bed linen, call bell
- Before and after work, before and after meal breaks etc.
Having alcohol-based hand rub in every resident’s room assists staff to undertake robust hand hygiene practice.
- Hand Hygiene NZ:
- World Health Organisation: WHO | Hand hygiene in outpatient care, home-based care and long-term care facilities