Displaying 511 - 520 of 687 results
Serious and Sentinel Events in New Zealand Hospitals 2007–2008Serious and Sentinel Events in New Zealand Hospitals 2007–2008.
Serious and Sentinel Events in New Zealand Hospitals 2008–2009In this year three in 10,000 admissions to DHBs involved a potentially preventable serious or sentinel event. Of these 39 percent were a result of a clinical mismanagement problem
Global trigger tool: Using data for improvementThis presentation given by global trigger tool clinical lead, Gillian Robb, provides an update on the use of trigger tools in New Zealand.
Open Book: Accurate patient identification (December 2014)This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of a recent adverse event review. The emphasis is on the changes implemented by the provider involved to stop the event happening again.
Open Book: Preventing retained items – laparoscopic surgery (January 2015)This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of two recent reviews, with emphasis on the changes implemented to prevent recurrence.
Open Book: Different presentations of heparin (February 2015)This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of a recent review, with emphasis on the changes implemented by that provider to prevent recurrence.
Open Book: Preventing retained items – gynaecology surgery (March 2015)This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of a recent review, with emphasis on the changes implemented to prevent recurrence.
Open Book: Triage of patient with post-procedure ophthalmic symptoms in the emergency department (April 2015)This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of a recent review, with emphasis on the changes implemented to prevent recurrence. Providers are advised to consider this report, and whether the changes made are relevant to their own systems.
Open Book: Lessons learnt from reviewing patient falls (April 2015)This edition of Open Book was written in collaboration with the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s Reducing Harm from Falls programme, and sets out a series of practice changes made by providers to prevent patients from being harmed by falling.
Open Book: Safety in MRI scanner (May 2015)This Open Book illustrates the importance of providers standardising the way they apply well-recognised safety steps.