Displaying 491 - 500 of 687 results
Evidence review to inform development of the mental health and addiction quality improvement programme ‘Learning from adverse events and consumer experience’ projectThis evidence review is designed to inform the development of a mental health and addiction quality improvement project to improve learning from adverse events and consumer experience within the framework of the National Adverse Events Reporting Poli
Zero seclusion measurement: A family of measuresThis document describes the 'family of measures' used in the Commission's mental health and addiction quality improvement programme.
Medication safety, prescribing and the medicines management process in mental healthA review of what is known about medication safety within mental health.
Presentations from the second learning session for Connecting care: improving service transitions | Te tūhono i ngā manaakitangaCopies of presentations from the second learning session for Connecting care: improving service transitions held on 7 and 8 August 2019.
Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey flyerFlyer for consumers, family and whānau about the Ngā Poutama consumer, family and whānau experience survey.
Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey posterPoster for consumers, family and whānau about the Ngā Poutama consumer, family and whānau experience survey.
Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey privacy impact statementPrivacy impact statement for Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey.
Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey privacy summaryPrivacy summary for Ngā Poutama: Consumer, family and whānau experience survey.