Displaying 361 - 370 of 687 results
Guide to using the quality and safety markers dashboardThe national quality and safety marker report moved to a dashboard format in December 2020. This guide has been created to help people use and understand the QSM dashboard and its features.
Quality and safety markers – enabling equity monitoring: Privacy impact assessment reportThis privacy impact assessment aims to help us better monitor health equity as a key aspect of quality.
Measuring culturally safe care through the patient experience surveysTwo documents describing the process followed by the Commission to identify key concepts and develop questions to measure patient experience of culturally safe care in the New Zealand patient experience surveys.
Factsheet: Patient deterioration and supplemental oxygenThis factsheet from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme provides guidance to clinicians on modifying the New Zealand early warning score trigger for patients receiving supplemental oxygen.
New Zealand patient experience survey programme refresh 2019/20This document describes the process the Health Quality & Safety Commission (the Commission) and its contracted provider, Ipsos, undertook in 2019/20 to review and refresh the New Zealand patient experience survey programme.
Infographic: Recognition and response systems save livesThis infographic from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme provides information about recognition and response systems.
Factsheet: Patient deterioration and sepsisThis factsheet from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's patient deterioration programme gives information on early investigation, treatment and referral for sepsis.
Top tips for a successful co-design projectBetween July 2017 and June 2018, we worked with Ko Awatea’s Dr Lynne Maher and the four Kōrero mai lead sites to co-design patient, family and whānau escalation of care processes.
Busting myths about patient, family and whānau escalationThere are many myths surrounding patient, family and whānau escalation of care. This factsheet outlines the common myths and explains where you can find further information about them.
Vital signs chart with New Zealand early warning scoreInteractive version of a vital signs chart which includes the New Zealand early warning score.