Displaying 221 - 230 of 745 results
Surgical checklist videoThis video outlines the steps of using the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist – sign in, time out and sign out.
Video: Implementing briefing and debriefing sessions at Hutt Valley DHBLis Browne talks about implementation of briefing and debriefing sessions at Hutt Valley District Health Board.
Video: Surgical briefing and debriefingsThis video from the Commission's Reducing Perioperative Harm programme demonstrates best practice for briefing and debriefing sessions, based on the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist.
Safe Surgery NZ teamwork & communication video 2: Time outVideo 2 in the teamwork and communication roll-out.
Safe Surgery NZ teamwork & communication video 1: Sign inVideo 1 in the teamwork and communication roll-out.
Infographics: Talking to adult patients with a serious illness and at risk of deteriorationInfographics about talking to adult patients with a serious illness and at risk of deterioration.
Video: Surgical safety checklist (full length, 10min 58sec)A video from the Commission outlining the use of the World Health Organization's surgical safety checklist.
Surgical briefings are an efficient way to start the dayBriefings take just five minutes and have a significant and positive impact on patient safety by improving communication and teamwork, reducing delays and identifying potential risks prior to surgery.
Surgical briefings support practical decision makingAlisa Ili, theatre nurse manager and Dr Andrew Connolly, general surgeon at Counties Manukau Health, share how start-of-list briefings support their decision making.
What are the benefits of surgical briefings?Alisa Ili, theatre nurse manager and Dr Andrew Connolly, general surgeon at Counties Manukau Health, share the benefits they've experienced from holding regular start-of-list briefings.