Displaying 51 - 60 of 80 results
Factsheet: How to prevent ventilator-associated pneumoniaThis factsheet provides information about how to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) using an evidence-based practice VAP bundle.
Surgical site infection rate is higher following hip and knee arthroplasty when cefazolin is underdosedThis paper by Dr Arthur Morris, Dr Sally Roberts, Nikki Grae and Dr Chris Frampton highlights increased rates of infection following hip and knee arthroplasty when cefazolin is underdosed.
Open Book: CVC removal (July 2015)This report alerts providers to key findings of a recent review, and highlights changes put in place to stop such an event happening again.
Open Book: Epidural medicines through intravenous lines (September 2015)This report aims to alert providers to the key findings of a recent review, with an update on new engineering standards being introduced worldwide to prevent Luer misconnections.
Open Book: Surgery abandoned due to unavailable instruments (December 2015)This report alerts providers to the key findings of a recent review and system changes made to prevent the incident happening again. In this case, changes were made to systems relating to loan instruments for specialised procedures.
Open Book: Ensuring referrals happen (February 2016)This report alerts providers to key findings from three similar recent incident reviews at different hospitals.
Open Book: Reviewing trigger tool notes to uncover harm (April 2016)This first trigger tool Open Book report focuses on cases from a hospital setting. Trigger tools are also used in primary care. The aim of this report is to encourage reflective learning using harm triggers identified in one organisation.
Open Book: Transmission of 'super-bug' in hospital (May 2016)This report alerts providers to key findings and actions following review of an outbreak of a multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) which affected five patients. The aim is to learn from the changes implemented after the event to prevent future simila
Open Book: Bloodstream infection related to peripheral intravenous cannula (May 2016)This report alerts providers to key findings and actions following review of a serious healthcare associated infection related to the insertion and management of a peripheral intravenous cannula (PIVC).
Open Book: Red reflex assessment in newborns (June 2016)This report alerts providers to key findings and actions following review of delayed recognition of lack of red reflex in a newborn. The findings from this case extend across care settings, specialties and national guidance.