KĀTI Rā Whara Pēhanga
The Health Quality & Safety Commission, the Accident Compensation Corporation, Ministry of Health and the New Zealand Wound Care Society jointly promote Worldwide STOP Pressure Injury Day each year. The day raises awareness of pressure injuries and how to prevent them.
Worldwide STOP Pressure Injury day occurs every 3rd Thursday in November.
With the right knowledge and care, pressure injuries can be avoided. All health professionals, carers, family/whānau members and patients have important roles to play in pressure injury prevention.
There are key actions that are globally recognised and promoted to reduce the risk and impact of pressure injuries. For example, the SSKIN bundle provides a useful approach to ensure that no prevention element is missed (more information is available here: https://improvement.nhs.uk/resources/Using-SSKIN-to-manage-and-prevent-pressure-damage/). It includes considering or undertaking the following:
- Surface – provide a supportive and pressure relieving surface
- Skin Inspection – undertake regular checks for discolouration and pain on bony prominences (such as hips and heels) and under or around medical devices
- Keep moving – change position often
- Incontinence– keep skin dry and clean
- Nutrition – eat healthily and drink plenty of fluids.
Visit the New Zealand Wound Care Society website to find out more about Worldwide STOP Pressure Injury Day.