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Te Pū rauemi KOWHEORI-19 COVID-19 resource hub

Support for people working in health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find information about how you can support yourselves and others, including consumers, teams and colleagues which complements and aligns with Ministry of Health resources.

Kia āta kōwhiri Choosing Wisely

The Choosing Wisely campaign seeks to reduce harm from unnecessary and low-value tests and treatment.

The presence of a TBI can be a significant factor that affects long-term outcomes for people after serious injury.  Scoping work in 2022 identified that, in Aotearoa New Zealand, assessment and identification of TBI in patients with major trauma was inconsistent. It is well understood that the duration of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), as measured by a validated tool, is an important predictor of functional return and overall recovery. The sTBI rehabilitation collaborative worked with project teams from across the country to improve the rates and accuracy of PTA screening for major trauma patients to ensure that all patients with a TBI receive appropriate and timely rehabilitation. 

sTBI rehab accordion

A 2024 review found that the sTBI collaboration has resulted in lasting service improvement initiatives.

A screenshot of the progress report cover showing a tohu design and the report name

The report “Serious Traumatic Brain Injury Collaborative progress report” details the analyses and outcomes from the review.

Read more about the Serious Traumatic Brain Injury Collaborative progress report

sTBI rehabiltation news

Published: 3 Aug 2023 Modified: 11 Feb 2025