Mō mātou
Every year in New Zealand on average, 2,000 people are admitted to hospital with major trauma[1]. For those that survive, their injuries can have a profound and lasting impact on their life.
In March 2019 the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) contracted the Commission to provide support to the National Trauma Network by:
- building quality improvement knowledge and skills across the trauma system, to create a system that learns and evolves
- delivering targeted quality improvement projects focused on specific areas
- providing analytical and research support so the Network’s work is data driven and evidence based.
- delivering a patient-reported outcome measures project to understand how injured people recover and better support their recovery.
The quality improvement workstream of the programme is focusing on projects in three discrete areas improvements in process and/or outcomes can be achieved: 1) critical haemorrhage 2) major trauma rehabilitation and 3) severe traumatic brain injury. The projects will be phased over the coming three years.
The Commission is pleased to partner with ACC and the network. Visit the network website for more information.
- National Trauma Network (2018). Annual Report 2017/18. URL: https://www.majortrauma.nz/assets/Publication-Resources/Annual-reports/Annual-Report-2017-18.pdf.