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Te Pū rauemi KOWHEORI-19 COVID-19 resource hub

Support for people working in health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find information about how you can support yourselves and others, including consumers, teams and colleagues which complements and aligns with Ministry of Health resources.

Kia āta kōwhiri Choosing Wisely

The Choosing Wisely campaign seeks to reduce harm from unnecessary and low-value tests and treatment.

The Health Quality & Safety Commission supports four networks to promote collaboration across the sector to improve quality and safety:

Quality improvement network

The Commission hosts an email forum for quality improvement advisors and facilitator graduates in New Zealand, to share national and international ideas, examples and information on quality improvement initiatives.

A small sub-group of the members of this group forms the steering group for the annual Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium, sponsored by the Commission. The symposium features keynote speakers, peer-reviewed papers, interactive sessions and learning and networking opportunities for experienced improvement practitioners. If you are a member of this group and are interested in joining the symposium steering group, please email

District health board quality and risk managers network

The district health board (DHB) quality and risk managers network is a group of senior managers that lead quality departments and teams in DHBs.

They meet quarterly to discuss and provide advice on quality and safety topics and activities from a national, regional or local perspective. The chair of this network is Debbie Brown from Bay of Plenty DHB.

Mental health and addiction quality improvement network

The mental health and addiction network first met in 2018.

The purpose of the network is to enhance communication between its members, provide opportunities for sharing knowledge, professional development and networking, and provide input into the Mental Health and Addiction Expert Advisory Group.

The group meets two to three times annually to:

  • share an overview of current national quality improvement activities, challenges and opportunities in mental health
  • share operational knowledge and develop and/or maintain national relationships
  • extend and/or maintain professional knowledge and skills in quality improvement
  • provide input and communication into any proposed mental health improvement programmes.

Primary health organisation quality improvement network

The primary health organisation (PHO) quality improvement network is a national network with representation from every PHO in New Zealand. The network was formed to enhance communication between its members and to provide opportunities for sharing knowledge, professional development and networking.

The network meets three times a year to:

  • share an overview of current national quality improvement activities, risks and opportunities in primary health
  • provide input and communication into any proposed improvement programmes
  • share operational knowledge and develop and/or maintain national relationships
  • extend and maintain professional knowledge and skills in quality improvement
  • link into the Commission’s primary care expert advisory group.

The group first met in 2015. The chair of this network is Martin Carrell from Pegasus Health.

Published: 9 Nov 2021 Modified: 3 Mar 2025